MATTE Magazine 55: Olivia Reavey & Collier Schorr
MATTE Magazine 55: Olivia Reavey & Collier Schorr
MATTE Magazine issue 55 features photographs by Olivia Reavy with a new essay by Collier Schorr.
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“Olivia writes, ‘Men who have displayed their masculinity in threatening and imposing ways, onto the female form, push me to reclaim my power as a female photographer.’ We female photographers have been learning the tricks of the trade from male photographers for decades. There is a classic rebellion. Going from student to vigilante. The fuel, the match, the fire. And the trophy above all: the photo of one’s prey, something to be displayed after a victorious mental arm wrestle, but also a token to be passed around and appraised. What is very different about these pictures from most pictures of young men is that they aren’t languid. The men aren’t domesticated cats. They are raw ghosts. “ —Collier Schorr